These posts have been up on Expat Explorer for a while now, and I'd like to bring them to your attention. And a big Thank-You to Expat Explorer for all the support!
Top 10 Expat Blog Posts:My guest post (to be shared here soon) was the 5th most-read post on Expat Explorer for November 2010. In it, I share about making friends with the locals here in the Netherlands.
Web Wednesday:In it's first edition of Web Wednesday (where Expat Explorer likes to share some of the most interesting articles about expats flying around on the web), Expat Explorer shares a link to the post How to beat the fall and winter blues in the Netherlands, which was posted on Clogs and Tulips in September 2010.
Best Expat Views:It all started with Expat Explorer's tweet to their followers: "Expat views - we'd like to see where in the world our followers are. Tweet us ur pics. We'll post best ones up tmr. Please RT!" Mine's the one of the windmill about halfway down the page (I was @americancloggie back then, but can be followed now at @clogsandtulips).
I hope you enjoy checking out these posts and that you'll stick around to see all the great things Expat Explorer has to offer on the blog and Twitter.
Photo: Expat Explorer