Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.
The topic for this week is: Top 10 books from my childhood (Or teen years) that I would love to revisit
A lot of the books I read as a child and going into my teens have stayed with me, and I revisit them often, so I found this week’s topic quite tough, but here goes…
- Naughty Amelia Jane ~ Enid Blyton : I’ve been looking for a nice copy of this series for ages, I remember loving it as a child and I’ve not read it since.
- I Don’t Want To!~ Bel Mooney: This is another one that I remember vaguely from my childhood but haven’t been able to find a copy since.
- Green Eggs and Ham ~ Dr. Seuss: I’d like to read this again, I don’t know why I don’t own it.
- The Magic Faraway Tree ~ Enid Blyton: I have a couple of books in this series but haven’t read them for years. Need to get on that!
- Unknown unicorn book: When I was at junior school I always wanted books from the book people that came round every now and then, but usually I wasn’t allowed. However, on one occasion my mom gave in because I fell in love a beautiful picture book about a unicorn who gets lost in a forest. I remember the cover of that book to this day but I’ve never been able to find it as I can’t remember the title or author. It makes me sad every time I think about it. Any ideas? It must have been around 1990
- The Chronicles of Narnia ~ C.S Lewis: So I read Narnia a lot, but I have a confession, I’ve never read the last book in the series, ever! I really should, but I’m scared that it’ll break me. I’ve also only read The Silver Chair once so I need to revisit that one too.
- Point Horror ~ Various: These books were such a staple of my reading growing up. They are what made reading cool for me. Over the past couple of years I’ve been building up my collection again but I haven’t read most of them since I was about 12.
- Knightmare: The Dragon’s Lair ~ Dave Morris: I wish I still had a copy of this. I loved those choose-your-own-adventure books. I’d like to revisit this one to see if it was as fun as I remember.
- Robinson Crusoe ~ Daniel Defoe: This was one of the few books I was made to read at school that I actually enjoyed. I re-read it again at uni about ten years ago but after recently reading The Martian, I’d like to give it another whirl.
- Secret Vampire ~ L.J Smith: I remember getting this free with a magazine when I was a young teen. It’s probably what set of my vampire obsession! I think I still have it somewhere, I must find it!