Top 10 Bookish Problems

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature of The Broke and The Bookish.

in no particular order my #bookishproblems

1.  Reading Chicken Soup for the Soul on a 4 hour flight & unable to control my sobbing over the stories…..which led to

2.  Trying to tell my seat mate why I was crying….somehow relaying the sad, but inspirational, story in between sobs did not quite have the same affect on the gentleman in Seat 17C as it did on me!

3.  Getting so mad at an ending of the book such as Mockingjay or Before I Fall that I throw the book across the room or down the stairs to the wonderment of my family “uh, Mom, why are you throwing books….”

4.  That moment when the battery on my iPad says 10%, the charger is at home, and I’m at the point in the book where the murderer is just about to be revealed. . . .Aargh! Makes my heart stop just thinking about those it!

5.  I almost feel guilty admitting this ~ having so many books that I need to read, not wanting to read a single one of those, and finding myself in the bookstore seeking that perfect book. . .

6.  Discovering that while I was immersed in a book a tornado struck the house, a flood wiped out our street, and Dorothy and Toto landed in our front yard. . .

7.  Growling at anyone who interrupts me while in the midst of a great book. . .which goes along with ~

8.  Hiding from the world while reading a great book. . .phone rings? hit silent, or better yet, turn it OFF!; knock on the door? shhhh, no one is home!; family wants supper? eh, there’s pb&J, help yourself;  this one can also lead to ~

9.  Readers cramps.  Staying in one position too long because you’re immersed in such a great book…I get stuck in the pretzel position in my favorite reading chair + arm cramps from holding the book.  Sad, I know.

Ever suffer from #readerscramps ? Commiserate with TNL over this #bookishproblem

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10.  Having irrational fears of going blind and not being able to read….or the irrational fear of my arms falling off or becoming paralyzed and unable to hold a book…..or an even worse fate ~ both happening at once!

What #bookishproblems haunt your reading habits?