Should we choose our kids friends?
When the children ask if they can have friends in I admit if its “that child” I always say no.
Am I wrong to say that I should choose our kids friends or should it be up to them?
Does giving your child a bottle at bedtime make you an irresponsible parent?
While I am not ashamed nor feel bad for saying all my 6 children have taken a drink, either milk or juice to bed with them – in a bottle.
Is breast feeding an older child wrong in any way?
I have a good friend who breast feeds her little boy, why you may think wow how original, the thing is her little boy is almost 3 and about to start nursery.
Is using a disabled toilet wrong?
I actually felt really bad when I read a post about a mom who was upset that people without a disability use toilets designed for disabled people without a care or thought.
Child Abuse? Mum Forces Her 5 Year Old TO Wax Her Eyebrows
“Not my eye brows, don’t tear it” the devastating screams by a 5 year old child. While the mother offers a large bag of sweets as a reward if she lays back and has her eyebrows waxed?
Why I think ear piercing should be more tightly regulated
I have a very simple view when it comes to piercing babies ears. That is simply, it is mutilation and needs to be more tightly regulated.
Is it selfish not to use contraception?
I was talking to one of my Facebook Group Mums and she was wondering if 2012 would bring her another baby. This mom is due her 6th baby any day. I jokingly advised there is much contraception out there to prevent a baby from appearing each year.
Is it OK for others to smack your child?
While I was in the bank a boy of about three was running up and down, doing all the things young boys do. He was a cute little thing and full of energy. Are you happy for others to smack your child?
Is the Princess image damaging for young girls?
I love my girls to be girls, I love pink and frilly clothes and headbands and the whole princess look and yes Kia the youngest girl gets called Princess.
Fat mums make bad mums
While I understand that obesity causes many health problems and I know of many obese ladies who try daily to loose weigh, to eat healthy and basically do everything in her power to be as healthy as she can.