Tools for Making Fantastic Homemade Ice Cream

By Icecreamed

There is nothing quite like having a lick from your favorite local ice cream shop. It is the perfect texture, flavor, and is almost always dished out with a smile. When you are done, simply throw your bowl away before moving on to the next daily endeavor.

However, there is also nothing quite like sharing a batch of homemade ice cream with your friends and family. It looks impressive, scores bragging points, and also tastes delicious. You’ll also never have to share your secret with others either- ice cream is really not that hard to make.

With a few simple tools and a dash of patience you could be well on your way to making imaginative creations that will wow even your toughest critics.

The Basic Tools

  1. A Good Whisk and Spatula: Most people already have these items laying around for other cooking purposes. The size of the whisk does not matter although you should feel comfortable using it in a variety of different sized bowls. You do not need anything fancy in terms of a spatula either. Your favorite one will work just fine.

  1. A Blender: Many recipes that call for a fruit-base will want your items pureed. Immersion blenders are excellent as they require little set-up, can be used inside your bowl or pot, and are easy to clean. However, a basic stand blender will work just as well.

  1. Saucepan: Some ice cream and sorbet recipes will call for a little bit of heat. If you are in the market for new pots anyway, a pot with a heavy bottom is preferable. It will distribute the heat evenly so that your base will cook evenly as well. When you work with eggs and dairy, you don’t want to heat up the pot too quickly and scald your food.

  1. Mixing Bowls: A nice collection of mixing bowls is always a good kitchen staple. They also come in handy for making ice cream. Most ice cream recipes will call for refrigeration before freezing so it is a good idea to have several different sizes on hand.

  1. Airtight Plastic Containers: These are the best items for freezer storage. Nothing fancy is necessary. You can use whatever is the appropriate size and freezer-friendly.

The Next Level

  1. Ice Cream Maker: There are many methods that can be done to churn your ice cream with out an actual ice cream maker. However, an ice cream maker makes the job a cinch. It will help freeze the mixture and incorporate all the elements at the same time. It will also ensure that you have enough air blended into your ice cream as well. This will ensure that you end up with the right texture. If you want to enjoy homemade ice cream on a regular basis, an ice cream make is definitely a good investment.

Homemade ice cream offers you the ability to explore literally thousands of different flavors. Most of the tools necessary are probably already residing in your kitchen cabinet. This year, treat yourself to a fun cooking project that will most certainly have a sweet result.