Too Much To Do, Too Little Time - By Rachel

By Millerweddings @phoebewedding

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We are still following the lovely Rachel on her planning journey, today she considers blogs, work, planning and babies. 

The thought of getting married and planning a wedding is all very lovely. So lovely in fact that people actually make whole careers out of writing about them. The thing is, when you're in the middle of planning it can often be hard to establish that, sometimes, real life gets in the way.
They say the most stressful things in your life are moving house, wedding planning and new jobs. By the way, if I knew who 'they' was I'd like to poke them with a big stick. Taking the plunge into married life aside, I recently took a big leap of faith by quitting my job without a replacement. It was the perfect example of real life getting in the way of my wedding dream. At the time of handing in my resignation, I had no idea what was going to happen and whether anything would actually crop up. I guess in some respects I was a little silly. I was on a countdown to unemployment with rent and bills to pay, Christmas on the horizon and a wedding looming in the distance eating chunks out of my savings on an ever increasing basis. I'm lucky in that I found a new job pretty quickly but it got me wondering about the big work/life balance.
With every waking hour consumed by my new job - actually being there and/or thinking or panicking about it when I get home - wedding planning and general social events are having to take a back seat. Just how many big life changes can you make in a short space of time before you start to lose your mind?
I know that I am not the first bride-to-be who is trying to plan a wedding around a full time job. I also know that some brides will have planned under much harsher time scales, budgets and pressure. But any planning bride will have considered putting wedding planning on their CV - a whirlwind of coordinating others, proof reading, pulling together lists, chasing people, it can often feel like a second job. Except it's full of a lot more pretty than the day job, let me tell you!
We've been engaged for over a year now and I can't remember life without weddings in it. I don't know what I actually did before browsing blogs, Pinterest and supplier emails settled themselves into my daily routine. I love weddings - always have, always will - but I don't think I realised just how much time they took up. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have this any other way. I love having control over our day and choosing things that suit us down to the ground. I even love changing my mind about the bridesmaid dresses when I've already bought them, although I don't think my Mum was too impressed. What on earth am I going to do with myself when I'm left with only one job and suddenly scrapbooking my dream wedding is no longer considered a suitable use of my time?
And if anyone says anything about babies, there'll be trouble...but that's a whole other blog post...

I think we need a blog post on babies next Rachel? Remember you can follow all of her journey by clicking on Rachel Writes in the Link List section on the right.