Too Little Too Late Or All is Forgiven?

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Yaron Angel, CEO of Angels Bakery, and Omer Bar Lev, Director of the Board of Angels and the person whose participation in a protest near Rav Gershon Edelstein's home led to an ad hoc Haredi boycott of Angels Bakery, just went to pay a condolence call to the Edelstein mourners, and to apologize for what happened.
Here are the two apology letters presented to the Edelstein family, one by Yaron Angel and the other by Omer Bar Lev:
Angel's letter:
Bar Lev's letter (the date is incorrect):

to summarize each letter:Angel apologized for a misunderstanding saying Angels had nothing to do with any protest and calculated that any statement made after the fact would appear to be them getting involved in political matters, which they always refused to do, and it turned out to be taken exactly the opposite way and their silence was taken as compliance instead.
Bar Lev apologized for the situation - his intent was not to protest against Torah study or against the rav. His intention was to make a personal statement of protest but not against the Torah or the gadol hador and had he been aware of the situation he would not have done so.
Ok, let's see what happens next. Will this relieve the situation and will all be forgiven and Angels goods allowed back into the camp, or will this be deemed too little too late (as Rav Kook from Tiberias said the other day that with the death of Rav Edelstein there is no choice but to continue the boycott of Angels until the coming of the Mashiach, even if they should apologize)?
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