Too Liberal ?

Posted on the 05 December 2012 by Jobsanger
All Americans now benefit from these things. But what many conveniently forget is that when these ideas were first introduced, that were attacked as being wild liberal ideas that would wreck the country and/or the economy if enacted. But they didn't wreck anything. They made life better for most Americans. Now other liberal ideas are being attacked in the same way -- tax fairness, a livable minimum wage, stronger unions, equal rights for all citizens, health insurance coverage for everyone, stronger education standards, clean and renewable energy, affordable higher education, and a cleaner and healthier environment. Will these things really wreck our country, or are we now hearing the same old tired argument against progress that every advance must endure? Liberalism has been responsible for most of the advancements in this country, and it's time for people to realize that. Yesterday was not better but tomorrow can be, if we aren't afraid to adopt more liberal ideas.