Too Busy to Blog : I'm Parking

By Parentalparody @parental_parody

I would just like you all to know that I am far too busy to blog today, because I am otherwise occupied parking.
I will be at the park with The Feral Threesome for a large chunk of the day.
Please note the importance of this statement.
Let me help you :
1.  I am not watching The Real Housewives of all the world, ignoring my little darlings while they attempt to enact Natural Selection upon each other.
2.  We are all getting actual fresh air that is not filtered through the slightly dirty fly screens on the windows at home.
3.  This is not the first time.  It is, in fact, the third time in a week, and we are going on another park play date tomorrow.
4.  I have not, and do not plan to (at this stage) take covert booze on any of these occasions.
5.  All this park time means that the kids have spent not nearly as much time watching TV as they normally would.  This is possibly due to the fact that we are a ratings household, and I'm paranoid that the Nielsen peeps will dob me in to the authorities if I truly let the kids watch as much TV as we'd all collectively prefer.
6.  Most importantly, The Feral Threesome have represented well.  Not one swear word has made its way back to me either directly or via their playmates' parents.  Score!
If you wish to nominate me for Mother of The Year, you're too late.  The award has already been given out for 2013 to a woman who has birthed and/or Fostered a few dozen kids, but I believe my actions will make me a sure bet for the 2014 Mother of The Year Award.