Square Enix did not decide to make Rise of the Tomb Raider an Xbox exclusive on a whim, it even knew some fans would not be happy.
But why was this decision made in the first place? And did Square Enix expect the fan backlash? Phil Rogers, Square Enix’s western CEO shed more light on how it all went down in a new interview with Examiner.
“I hope fans know that it wasn’t an easy decision,” Rogers said. “I think any sort of partnership at this level is a decision that took a long time for us to get to. The decision at a studio level, we took very, very seriously. We knew it would, in the short-term, disappoint fans.”
According to Rogers, Microsoft’s “passion” and “commitment” to the franchise are a few of the reasons that lead to this deal. Having a great deal of spotlight on the game is another reason, according to Rogers – referring to how exclusive titles get featured heavily in marketing and promotion.
“We’re about growing our IP, this is a long-term decision. We’re going to take Tomb Raider up to the next level,” he added. “With Microsoft’s belief, passion and sort of muscle to help us deliver, we really think this is going to be an awesome game that people will enjoy for years and years to come.”
Rise of the Tomb Raider is due this November on Xbox one and Xbox 360.