We have now reached the final installment of the Tomatrax "best of" lists for 2016. We hope that you've enjoyed the music and have discovered some new favourite artists as a result. Be on the look out for the next volume of Tomatrax Unearthed picks which will be posted soon.
Now onto the top 10 songs of 2016...
10 Jess McAvoy - Curious
9 Rodney Cromwell - Fax message breakup
8 Rick Dangerous & the Silkie Bantams -Bruja
7 Pure Phase Ensemble 4 - Happy Dancing Woman
6 Steven Wilson - Happiness III
5 Ed Kuepper - Free passage to Mars
4 Babaganouj - Do rite by me tonite
3 They Might Be Giants - Bills Bills Bills
2 Sylviane - Ghost trapped in limbo
1 Clews - Feel