Toddlers & Tiaras: Ready Or Not, Here They Come Again. Stock Up On Your Pageant Crack Cuz The Glitz Is Back!

By Danthatscool @DanScontras

You know the drill by now.

Tease it and Tan it.  Spray it and Sparkle it.

Then Werk it, Girl.

Toddlers & Tiaras is back.

Put on your protective Glitter Goggles, because everyone’s favorite guilty pleasure is about to walk its pretty feet right back onto your television screens.

And Season 6 looks to be just as blindingly sparkly as the last five, with loads of your favorites teaming up with a whole new batch of cray cray.

But there’s not much time to prepare yourself, emotionally or otherwise.  You only have until Wednesday, June 5 to stock up on Mountain Dew, Pixie-Stix and Twizzlers.

Then it’s Go Time.

So while you’re busy stocking the fridge and canceling all your other Wednesday plans for the Summer, celebrate the highly anticipated return with a quick visual flashback to some of our favorite, most outrageous moments from years past.

You can thank me, and blow me finger kisses, later.

For now, just enjoy.  And sparkle, baby.