Toddlers & Tiaras Flashback: Love Is In The Air. Remembering The Pixie Stix Princesses And Playground Playas.

By Danthatscool @DanScontras

It’s February.

The most heartfelt month of the year.

I don’t know if it’s the Polar Vortex, residual Valentine’s Day mush or just a crash from all the 75% off CVS candy that’s got me feeling so redneckulously romantical this month.

(Who cares if it’s two weeks later and the candy is heart-shaped?  It’s still chocolate.)

Whatever the reason, this time of year always makes me miss my Toddlers & Tiaras and all the Life Lessons learned over those six too-short seasons.

Shoot.  When they weren’t buzzing around hotel lobbies at 70mph or staring blankly into camera lights waiting for their crazy Pageant Moms to get the Hook, those sparkly kids taught me more about love, life and putting the moves on my teeter totter crush than any self-help book I ever download onto my iPad.  Thanks for nothing, iTunes.

It’s true.  I own it.  Toddlers & Tiaras pretty much made me who I am today.

I like to call it Toddler Relationships 101.

Like how a good milkshake can always bring the Boyz to the yard.  Oh hey, Gurlz.

A subtle bit of Side Eye can make all the difference when playing the game.

Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is.  Trust me…the truth hurts.

A dude’s gotta do what a dude’s gotta do to score nowadays.

Until it backfires and you get busted, of course.  Excuse me?

I hear that sometimes honesty is the best policy.  But don’t quote me.

Unfortunately, no matter how much effort you put into a relationship, sometimes it just ain’t gonna happen.  Don’t even think it.

So you deal with it in your own way and move on.

And when it finally does work, it makes you all like…

So Happy Belated Valentine’s Day everyone.  Love you.  Mean it.  And, please…