I reviewed the Morrissons fancy Yule Log two years ago now, back when I was naive and apparently didn't know how to spell Morrisons. I have since failed to take the plunge on another fancy Yule log, but after hearing only good things about this one I decided to hunt one down. I turned up nothing in the seasonal aisles, but as luck would have it I found one perched out of place in the cooked meat section. The supermarket gods were smiling upon me that day. I would go in depth about what this log contains, but it's basically chocolate, wrapped in chocolate, topped with chocolate and garnished with yet more chocolate.
But hey, that's exactly what a Yule log should be, and this one delivers on all fronts. The filling is plentiful, smooth and creamy, while the sponge surrounding it is soft and moist, not detracting at all from the stuff on the inside. The outer coating is simply gorgeous as well, more chocolatey goodness with lashings of belgian chocolate ganache on top. It's a good choice, as at first glance it looks like it could be a soft creamy mess, but it's actually a nice thick, slightly gooey coating that adds yet another layer of texture, and definitely more lovely chocolate flavor. This Yule log is simply fantastic, a celebration of chocolate in its many forms, and one that will certainly let you pile on the pounds this festive season. Shove it in your face, you won't regret it.
My rating: 5/5