Today's Review: Maltesers Pavlova

By Areviewaday

I can't say I've eaten a great deal of pavlovas, but when Maltesers are involved I'll probably eat anything. Here we have another frozen dessert based on chocolate bars, I've been waiting to try this for a while, but it's only recently gone on offer at Tesco, down to £2.50. Besides, I've been waiting for a chance to take this to a gathering, so I don't end up eating the whole thing myself...

Well, that seems quite devoid of Maltesers. I mean, there are some, but they could be spaced out better. Anyways, here we have a meringue ring, filled with malt cream, and topped with chocolate sauce and Maltesers. I'm sure I left it out to defrost for the correct amount of time, but when I cut into it it pretty much fell apart, so it was difficult to cut a proper slice. I guess I could have used a better knife, but still, I wasn't expecting it to be quite so messy. One thing I will say is this has a whole lot of meringue, which gets somewhat sickly after a while. It's not a bad meringue, but it's not well balanced with the other elements. The chocolate topping is pretty scarce, and isn't overly noticeable in the overall flavor. The cream is probably the best part, it's smooth and has a nice little malted hint to it that gives it an extra kick of sweetness. But all in all, that's a lot of sweetness to take in, so this pretty much tastes like a whole lot of sugar with a bit of chocolate malty flavor. I have to say I was pretty disappointed, for a Maltesers pavlova there wasn't a whole lot of Malteser, and even if you're a lover of meringue you might as well get your own nests and go to town on them. The cream is a nice addition, but it's not enough to save the dessert.
My rating: 2/5