Today's Review: Kettle Discoveries Buttermilk Chicken & Sriracha Mayo

By Areviewaday

I haven't seen a limited edition of regular Kettle Chips for a while now, but I guess they're shifting the focus to these Discoveries flavours. Fair enough, the ones that have come out so far have been pretty good, surprisingly even the salted caramel and cream. I spied this variety in Tesco today, and I'm a sucker for the spicy mayo, so I had to grab them. Buttermilk chicken is an interesting twist on the classic too.
As intriguing as the buttermilk sounded, I can't say I picked it up too much in the flavor. There's a definite chicken flavour, sort of on the same level as the chicken Walkers Sensations. Now, I'm not an avid fan of meaty crisps, but as chicken flavours go, this ain't bad. The real prize here is the mayo flavour, which adds a hint of creaminess, and a decent level of heat that builds up over time, blending nicely with the other flavours to give that impression of some chicken strips dipped in some lovely spicy mayo. Not a perfect representation of what they were going for, but a very decent attempt at an interesting flavor.
My rating: 4/5