Today's Review: Kettle Chips Lime & Black Pepper

Posted on the 06 April 2014 by Areviewaday

I do love a nice big bag of crisps every now and then. I normally go for the most outrageous or spicy flavours, but when it comes to Kettle Chips even lightly salted is a good choice. I stumbled upon this new "seasonal" flavor the other day, and while it does sound a little bland, I figured it was worth a go.
There's not too much to say about these. They are lime and black peppers flavour, and they taste like lime and black pepper. It's a nice combination of flavours, and in the right quantities too. The lime is bolder than I thought it would be, but isn't overpowering, allowing the peppery tones to blend in well. This is basically just a nice flavor. It's nothing outlandish, but they're Kettle Chips, and they're tasty. Can't go wrong with that.
My rating: 5/5