Today's Review: Cadbury Marvellous Ice Cream - Zingy Raspberry Choc Brownie

By Areviewaday

Cadbury have certainly churned out some nice bars in their Marvellous Creations range, and now they've brought out some interesting ice creams to complement them. There are a few to choose from, but my attention was drawn to this awesome sounding variety. It boasts vanilla and chocolate ice creams, swirled in with Dairy Milk pieces, raspberry ripple, chocolate brownie pieces, raspberry zingers and sugar coated jelly pieces.
Sounds like there's a lot going on in this tub, right? Right. There are plenty of ingredients strewn throughout, and it means that no two mouthfuls are the same. The ice cream is good quality, the vanilla is light and creamy, certainly not too heavy on the vanilla flavouring, while the chocolate is pretty smooth and delicious. It's made even better by the Dairy milk chunks, which add a lovely bit of crunch, as well as the iconic Dairy Milk taste. But the change in texture doesn't stop there, the brownie is chewy and chocolatey, the jelly pieces are soft and packed full of fruity flavour, and then there are the small, crunchy "zingers", which are like cereal balls packing a nice raspberry taste, especially when eaten with some of the slightly gooey raspberry sauce.
I did have some misgivings about all the elements being shoved together, it was a little chaotic and overwhelming with my first taste. But I've found there's order to the chaos, and learned to let go and enjoy the variety of textures and flavours this tub has to offer. It's a creamy, chocolatey, fruity delight, and I'll definitely be picking up some of the other flavours to try out. Well done Cadbury, you've done it again.
My rating: 5/5