Today's Post Is Brought To You By The Letter...

By Bellezza @bellezzamjs
When Frances saw this from Simon:
"Here's something that should be fun - and do get involved in the comment section! - I'm going to kick off a meme where we say our favorite book, author, song, film, and object beginning with a particular letter. And that letter will be randomly assigned to you by me, via If you'd like to join in, comment in the comment section and I'll tell you your letter! (And then, of course, the chain can keep going on your blog.)"
she decided to play along. And, because I asked for a letter of my own, she gave me the letter:

Whereupon I could say that my favorite book with the letter I is:

"First-rate...In the classic tradition of Georges Simenon's Inspector Maigret of Paris and P. D. James's Chief Inspector Dalgliesh in England." ~The New York Times Book Review 
and my favorite author with the letter I is:

Eowyn Ivey for The Snow Child.

My favorite song would be Joni Mitchell's I Think I Understand:

and my favorite film with the letter I is:

Finally, since I can't categorize Italy as a favorite object, that category would have to go to:

ice cream.
Do you want to play along? If so, leave a comment indicating your desire, and I will give you a random letter.