Today’s Poem for the NaPoWriMo “30 Poems in 30 Days”

By Shanesbookblog @shanesbookblog

Poem entitled “grenades”

Goals and challenges, challenges and goals

testing myself for strength for I lack control

A journey to learn about myself as a whole

time will only tell if i mange to successfully uphold

my end of the bargain and the road that lays ahead

Lost and not yet found I will take 1 step at a time

always on edge is this life of mine

conforming to fear should be seen as a loss

consorting with ravens should be unholy deeds laid to rest at the cross

imperfections are bled out, wrapped up with indifference soaked band-aid’s

My life last year was on a path where it was surely to fade

I almost met my match with  life’s unforgiving needles and blades

Through it all somehow I have managed to save myself from handfuls of dirty grenades

But I surely am not myself for I can no longer be chemically enslaved

borrowing things that were not ever meant for me

today marked a change i hope the whole world can see and believe

last year I was a thief and today I am at peace

addiction has been beaten but is still one hell of a dangerous beast