Today’s Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross

By Mba @mbartoloabela

Detail, Ex ligno Vera Crucis

Veneration of the most treasured relic (presently in my possession) of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, today at Santa Venera Parish Church, Santa Venera, Malta (EU) at the 8.30am liturgy. For the Mass offered by the pastor, the relic was placed on the altar.

On the altar before Mass

Relic on the altar before Mass

At the end of the Mass, kneeling, we were given the final blessing with the relic of the True Cross. Then the relic was venerated by the People of God who went up to kiss/touch the reliquary. Official documentation certifying the authenticity of this most precious first class relic of Our Lord is from Archbishop Paul Karatas of the Catholic Archdiocese of Diaberkir, Turkey (Chaldean Rite).

Veneration of relic of the True Cross

Venerating the holy relic