Today I've Been Mostly Processing Apples .....

By Sue15cat

Apples are raining down on us whenever we venture near or into Chicken World.  
We have about five apple trees, it's hard to see where one ends and the others begin so I'm not completely sure of the number.  They lean at impossible angles, ancient and yet fragile.  Because of their age we do not not the type of apple they produce.  But produce them they do and in large quantities.  They are in desperate need of a good pruning and I suspect have been for years.  Once the leaves have dropped this year they will get one.  
Unfortunately, being on a hill and the trees being so tall and awkward to get at  it's almost impossible to pick the apples properly, I have removed those that I could reach and we do have one of those net on a stick thingies, I can't think of it's proper name .... somewhere!!  But even that wouldn't reach as high as we need to go, and ladders are a big no-no on this sloping, treacherously slippy wet hillside.
  So for now I go out and pick up the latest windfalls regularly throughout the day.

I had the apples, I raided the freezer for the last of the bought in bargain ready made pastry that I managed to get hold of recently, and left it to thaw ... I'm sure you can guess what I decided to make.

With the apples all stewed down nicely, some fluffy, some slightly more chunky as you would expect from a pan of mixed eating apples and cooking apples I just had to wait for it to cool down.  And I did, wait and wait and wait ... in the end I gave up covered the bowl up, put it into the fridge still a smidge warm and went to bed.
That was yesterday .... so today I am mostly making ...... Apple Pies.

And did you guess from the title .... today's post was inspired by the guy from 'The Fast Show' who used to pop out of his shed and say 'Today I've been mostly eating .....' and then go on to say a particular food.  One week he said Weetabix and I was in stitches ..... I don't know why, and that's what I think of now whenever I think of him.
Sue xx