
By Agnes

A pretty slow day today -- or “nicely paced” is probably a much more accurate way to describe it. Half out of necessity half due to sheer luck, a perfectly paced day manages to land on my lap every once in a while and break up whatever resemblance of routine my regular life seem to be structured around. And truth be told, I’m beginning to truly appreciate a slower beat. It’s not that I don’t enjoy relaxing [I truly truly do] [especially with friends] it’s just that even when not buried in things to do, I still find it next to impossible to enjoy stagnant inactivity. Not quite sure why but pouring my energy into life gives me way more energy than preserving my energy does... which probably doesn’t make much sense. But be that as it may, getting philosophical or attempting to disprove the laws of the conservation of energy is pretty much the last thing on my mind.  Definitely learning to appreciate a slower pace though. The weather has been nothing short of perfect (to those of us in Florida, let’s hope it stays like this for a while), exactly the kind of weather that makes me regret selling my Mustang convertible many moons ago.  My friend Ernie is getting home from South America (lucky him) later today. Haven’t seen him in ages so I’m quite excited to hear his stories & see his photos. Well, off to grab a bite with a friend at this ramshackle Mexican gin joint in a few minutes. Then hopefully hit the sack early -- a lot to get done tomorrow.