To the Kids I Used to Teach...

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
...I miss you!
I spent 3 years teaching you, and I sometimes took for granted how great you were. You were funny, and smart, and hard working, and sweet, and you made me laugh. Most of all, you wanted to learn and I wanted to teach you and so we had a lot of fun together.
Now I work somewhere else, and the kids are the opposite of you. And try as I might, I can't help but remember how great you all were every time they walk into the room and I know we won't have even half the fun we used to have together. And, don't tell the new kids this, but try as I might, I just can't like them like I liked you.
I'm sorry I never told you how special you all are. Even though it's a year and a half since I left you - and some of you have moved on to do A-levels in new places - I still miss you all.
Some of you will stick in my mind forever for being some of the smartest, funniest and craziest teenagers I will ever have the privilege of knowing. In fact, one whole year group of you lot are absolutely my favorite teenagers on the planet. I know you probably won't ever read this, but I wanted you to know all the same.
No matter what you're doing now, remember I never truly cared how well you did in Geography as long as you enjoyed it and tried your best. That applies now as well - try your best and enjoy what you do and you will be great.
I hope you remember something that I taught you - whether it is about Geography or not. I remember our 3 years together so fondly, and I miss it all.
I hope you've enjoyed your half term as much as I am!