To Reduce Stress: Rent a Pet?

By David13676 @dogspired

I’ve been hearing a lot about how owning a pet can reduce life’s daily stress levels. I saw a university study recently that said if you take your dog to work, it will lower your stress level by at least 11 percent. I don’t know how they measure it, but it makes sense to me.

How many co-workers show uninhibited love and respect for you at your job? How many listen to your every word and follow most of your commands? How many dogs have asked you for a loan or to “go get their coffee”? I rest my case.

Now for those people who aren’t sure about adding a dog to your lifestyle, there is another option to consider. When you buy a car you can either “own” or “lease” it. Well, now you can lease a ddog. I kid you not. These Rent-A-Pet services are available throughout the nation via new companies that target dog and cat lovers. My advice is, don’t rent one of each at the same time or your stress level will go up!

Because of the lousy economy, many owners have had to give up their dogs because they can’t afford them. Sad. The benefits of these rental programs are that the dogs, which mostly come from animal shelters, get a chance to spend time running and walking outside in parks or the countryside. To keep these rented dogs from becoming lost, they are outfitted with a GPS location device from the Rent-A-Pet companies. Great idea even for permanent pets. One important point: the fees for renting cats and dogs are zero. Free!

Stress is everywhere and it makes sense to try and reduce it by adopting, nurturing, and loving animals like dogs and cats. It seems to be mutually beneficial for humans and animals. Who could ask for more?