To My Dad

By Vikasacharya
February 17, 2017

To My Dad

Mummy Miller

Today marks 3 years since you left our lives completely. You were traveling back from taking your girlfriend to work with your daughter in the back of the car when you were hit by a drunken, drugged up driver.

I remember that day so well. I was working that day, I woke up at 5.15am, well before my alarm, thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. I went through my day as normal, looking after my patients and generally having a laugh. At about 6.15pm I got a message on my phone from my cousin saying he urgently needed to ring me about my dad. I hadn’t spoken to my cousin since you left, so this was a bit out of the blue and you and I hadn’t spoken in a few months as we had fallen out over something stupid. I remember jokingly saying to my colleague…

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Written by Vikas Acharya Posted in blogger