To My Boys

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Dear babies. Yes, I still call you babies even though you're not. What a month we've had. We've caught up with two of your cousins, spent time at Gravity, done lots of learning and had Poppy here helping with our learning.
Chai, to your great relief we finished the testing sessions with your new OT. They were a real challenge but you did a great job. You managed not to have a meltdown even though you wanted to. I was so proud of you.
This month you learned a few lessons about friendship. One of your friends has been spending time with someone who's a bad influence which has affected his behavior and he's not being kind. We spent quite a lot of time discussing the way that good friends behave and you decided to have a bit of space from your friend until he starts making good choices again.
You got a new owl toy that you love. He's called Oscar and he's been your constant companion since the start of the month.
You also lost your seventh tooth. You were determined to get it out and pulled it out in the car on the way to your friends birthday party on the 21st.
Eljay, you're such a strong willed little man. Trying to teach you is a challenge because you will only do things your way and won't allow me to show you any other way. You're going to be a force to be reckoned with once you're an adult.
You're such a sweet little boy. This month when I was feeling sick from the prep for my colonoscopy you didn't leave my side. You stayed home with me, rubbed my belly, offered to get me food and were so caring. It was beautiful. 
You've both had a growth spurt, I swear some days you wake up taller, it's amazing. 

You are my sun and my moon, the reason I wake up way too early every day and the best part of my life.