To Liepaja and Beyond

By Ingridd @cosytraveler

It was our goal to visit at least 2 places in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. When we left Vilnius, we didn’t go straight to Riga, but had a stop in Liepaja.

Liepaja is the third largest Latvian city and is known for its Seaside Park and white sandy beaches, wooden houses and Art Nouveau buildings and the many shops and restaurants. Ingrid and I liked the harbor area the most.

If you drive on the main road to the south of Liepaja, you will see a road sign towards Pape. A dirt road of 8 kilometers takes you to a nature reserve – with some luck you can see wild horses – and a magnificent beach.

On the opposite side of the main road is the village of Rucava, with its beautiful Lutheran church.

The Bernati Nature Park is also worth a visit. Think forests, dunes and sandy beaches… Ingrid and I also stumbled upon a small monument, indicating the most western point of Latvia (not far from Nica).