To Grandmother With Love On Facetime

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

To Grandmother With Love On Facetime

This picture is worth way more than 1000 words. This is my soon-to-be 99 year old grandmother. (my mom is in the purple shirt) She is facetiming my youngest son away at college. She is still so amazed at technology even though she has seen more in her lifetime than we ever will. The joy in her eyes in realizing that he is actually “live” talking to her is priceless.

This woman helped raise me and many of my cousins. She has never “legally” driven a car, briefly held a job at Woolworth’s before her twins were born, lived through the Great Depression, married young and had three kids. She had twins (my mom and uncle) and one more after that. The youngest passed away some years ago. My grandfather also passed away about 26 years ago. She never remarried and remained close with her other 2 sisters and a brother. They are all sill alive. One of her brothers died young.

She is starting to lose her long-term memory now. Just the other day she asked me if I remembered which name her family used to call her when she was young. Her name is Rachel Violet. She was nick-named “Speedy” by her sisters but they ended up saying “Beaddy” instead. So we all know her as Beaddy.

Her father was a barber and I still remember her cutting my hair with his scissors while I sat on the bathroom counter holding really still because those suckers were sharp! She was a great seamstress too. Hemmed all my pants and skirts because God did not bless me with height of any kind. I’m currently 5’1 ish. And talk about a cook! She’s the reason I’m a little chubby! Although I did have to get on her for not teaching me to cook. I can a throw together a mean pot of Mac n Cheese but that’s about it.

This woman loves her family, children, grandchildren, great-grandkids and great-great-grandkids. She will leave a mark on each one of them as she has on me. She’s hard of hearing now so talking on the phone is tough and people around you will ask why you are screaming at the sweet grandmother on the phone but you got to do what you got to do.

Best memory I have? This woman teaching me to surf fish at Holden Beach, NC. She and my grandfather had a house there for many years. I never even hooked myself! Unlike some of my cousins. lol

I’m so thankful she is still around to see my boys grow up. They love her and she loves them just like she loves all her kids. When she sees them her eyes light up. Just like in the picture above. Thank goodness for technology so we can all see each other.

So if your grandparents are still alive, facetime them. You won’t regret it. ❤