Long have I debated the purchase of the luxuriously soft, massively spend wardrobe staple of the rich and famous. Cashmere. I refuse to wear a long sleeved t-shirt underneath so that I don’t have to dry clean it after every time I wear it. Thats just not flattering, its bulky. What’s a fashionista to do? Well, after perusing the J. Crew Cashmere Shop for about the tenth season in a row, I have finally found the answer. I am going to buy cashmere. I am going to collect it and treat it like art. I’m going to wash it. At home. GASP.
How is this possible, you say? Well, I have discovered The Laundress‘s Wool & Cashmere Shampoo. Hello?! This magic in a bottle makes it so that I can wear my sweaters all Winter and never once have to pay someone massive amounts of money just to spray chemicals all over my precious fashion. What cashmere items does a girl need in her closet?