To Blog Or Not to Blog...

By Thelovelyvice @TheLovelyVice
Well, I guess the answer is to blog! I have always thought that talking about what's in your head helps you have a peace of mind, but not always, sometimes you don't feel too comfortable talking about the stupidiest thing that crosses your mind so why not write about absolutely everything that goes on in your mind. In my case, I'd rather write about my multiple travels and the things I see, the restaurants I love and why not, my secret passion... La Moda, La Mode, Fashion!
By browsing the web, or in other words, killing time infront of a computer, I have noticed that "blogging" and "bloggers" is getting more and more popular, and people are not as scared or as misinformed as before. A few years back I remember I started one, but for some reason, mainly not having time for it, I stopped doing it. But now I think is the most therepeutic thing you can do and won't cost you a dime! although shopping is still and it will always be the best therapy for most of us women. So what you think is better, talking with a friend, going to your therapist , write it out or shop it out?