To Be A #Veteran

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

To Be A Veteran

Veteran’s are near and dear to my heart because my husband is one. I’ve also had other family members served in the Military and know the sacrifices not only they make, but their families.

If you haven’t done so already today, please reach out and shake the hand of a Veteran, hug them, and Thank them for their sacrifices. God bless.

Anonymous Submission – Previously Published

After serving 21+years in the Air Force and 5 years into retirement, I was asked “What does Veterans Day mean to me?” 

As I reflect back, I remember a lot of hard work, numerous days into months being away from family members, and good times.   I was involved in various deployments: Desert Shield/Storm; Kenya (food support going to Somalia); Somalia; Haiti; Haiti (Presidential Election support);  Kuwait; Qatar (Operation Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom) twice; and then finished up with Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom).  In between these deployments, I had numerous 2 and 3-week trips for different exercises/training support.  I can look back on each one of these and they all had their good, bad and ugliness to them.

I reflect back on all the fellow Veterans I had the opportunity to work with.  We all had our good and bad days, but we helped each other get through them, as we knew we had a job to do.  So to answer the question “What does Veterans Day mean to me?”, It means a lot of memories (good and bad) and pride in what I was able to accomplish while serving.  The biggest thing is to thank my fellow Vets, past and present, for their service.  We do it for the love of our country.

Veterans are only 1% of the population that has signed on the dotted line and wore the uniform of this country to protect it.

What is a Veteran?

A “Veteran” – whether active duty, discharged, retired or reserve – is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “the United States of America,”  for an amount of “up to, and including his life”.

Signed, Proud to Serve my Country

What is it like to be a #Veteran? A true storyPowered By the Tweet This PluginTweet This

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