To: Atheists - There IS a Better Way

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
A blog about the meaning of life would be incomplete without bring up certain topics.
Meaning could be viewed a lot of ways, but these posts take on a spiritual perspective.  The absence of a spiritual essence would decrease the substance of these posts.
In other words trying to decipher the Meaning Of Life goes hand in hand with spiritual principles, at least on this blog.  As someone once wisely put it,
"Know thy enemy" - Sun Tzu, Chinese Military General
One of these topics that should be in these blogs in some way is atheism.  In other words if proposing spiritual perspectives enhances your life then why is it a better alternative than disbelieving?
This post gives a brief overview of what atheism is about and some advantages of embracing Christianity as an alternative.
What Is Atheism?
It might be good to start by defining the word theism.  A quick look to a dictionary would give a definition along the lines of:
"The belief in one God as the Creator of the universe."
Similarly, a look to define a in Greek essentially means "opposite".  Atheism, basically, does NOT believe in one Supreme Being.  Whatever they think it does not consist of a belief in God as we know it.
This concept is related to another idea that is brought up a lot, which is called agnosticism.  As opposed to atheism agnosticism does not deny theism, per se.  Rather, it asserts humans do not possess the information to know, one way or another.
Since there is confusion between atheism and agnosticism, here is a quick difference, from  Disbelief in a proposition means that one does not believe it to be true. Not believing that something is true is not equivalent to believing that it is false; one may simply have no idea whether it is true or not. (A.k.a., agnosticism).
In their defense here are some core beliefs of an atheist:
  1. There is no God or devil.
  2. There is no supernatural realm.
  3. Miracles cannot occur.
  4. There is no such thing as sin as a violation of God's will.
  5. Generally, the universe is materialistic and measurable.
  6. Man is material.
  7. Generally, evolution is considered a scientific fact.
  8. Ethics and morals are relative.
Did you know in Russia the thought of a God was once seen as a fairy tale too good to be true and considered it a waste to be part of daily life? (Wow).

If you believed these things how would you feel?  If you are like some of us it would leave you feeling empty.  In addition deeper thought would make one wonder if these things add up.
So, Why Is It Important To Believe In Christianity?  Refuting the 8 items above would take a different blog post.  This post is a brief synopsis of what atheism is and to show it is a mainstream belief that is out there. What is this leading to?  It is leading to a different, deeper line of thought.   This deeper line of thought is what many believe to be the truth.  There are many factors in seeking out the truth, which can be found here: The truth as Christianity is a wonderful thing and some reasons are listed below.
Christianity is a better alternative because_____________:
1.  It tells you where you came from (God) and where you are going (to be with God).
2.  It shows how your suffering in this life is not in vain.
3 . It tells you that you have immeasurable value and you are loved unconditionally, which anyone would want.
4.  It tells you there is much more going on than you perceive with your senses.
5.  It gives you something you can look forward to with joy.
And, most of all, it brings meaning to your life!
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