To Atheists: Part 2

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4

In a previous post it mentioned how refuting 8 statements about Atheism would be a different post. 
Well, here is that post, with the 8 statements from Atheism and the responses.
    1.  There is no God or devil.
    This post examines some of these ideas.  Although it sounds like deductive reasoning for God it also makes sense.
    Proposing a physical proof of God is not likely.  If humans are the highest form of life then it is a sad existence.
    A person could also read Romans 1:20 if they want evidence of God.  It reads,
    For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
      2.  There is no supernatural realm.
      While some people have claimed dreams are a glimpse of the supernatural others have laid claim to being in the astral plane during a panic attack.  This might sound odd, but it is one way people have said they experienced something seemingly out of the physical realm.
      Most people probably have not experienced this.  Other people have claimed the supernatural includes things like dreaming.  In dreaming there are not time and space constraints.  have you ever dreamt about two people talking who have never met each other and were twenty years apart in meeting them?  A person is not believed to be conscious in deep sleep like they are when awake.
      The supernatural is hard to prove.  The reasoning, however, resembles the reasoning in the Bible. 
      If you search hard and deep enough you find enough evidence.
      3.  Miracles cannot occur.
      How many things have happened over the course of time that can not be explained merely by science?  The list is long.
      The basis of a miracle is cause and effect.  Some say an irrational result scientifically implies the supernatural.
      It is also important to remember things like childbirth could be considered a miracle to some people.  If there are no miracles does it imply scientists know all there is to know?
      Denying God based on miracles seems incomplete.
        4.  There is no such thing as sin as a violation of God's will.
        You can not violate God's will if there is no God.
        It sounds like this is saying when you do something wrong you hurt the other person.  It is interesting to wonder where the sense of right and wrong comes from in this thinking.
        This sounds like a statement of Atheism in itself.
          5.  Generally, the universe is materialistic and measurable.
          The universe is expanding, according to some scientists.  What makes this theory is interesting is that scientific discoveries are deemed solid until the next thing comes along.  It is never static and definitive.
          The universe is interesting, as discussed in this post,
          Some interesting modern theories proposed include proposing energy has consciousness, including empty space.
            6.  Man is material.
            The notion of humans as spiritual beings is certainly nothing new.  This goes back to the question of where the matter in the Big Bang first came from.  Man has a material make up, but is there more?
            The posts in these blogs assert humans are spiritual beings temporarily in physical form for learning.
              7.  Generally, evolution is considered a scientific fact.
              Theoretically, there is no reason science and the Bible can not mesh.  The facts reported, such as the earth being 13.5 billion years old, could go together with the Bible. 
              It could be that God is showing that regardless of how small and insignificant one person is in the universe God still cares for each person and works through their life.
                8.  Ethics and morals are relative.
                This one is a little more complex.
                Moral Absolutism will surely be debated with no definitive answer.
                How about  a practical example? Do you think it is okay to rape a small child, for instance? 
                There are things most people would say are wrong under any circumstance.  The underlying question to that is where you get your sense of right and wrong from. 
                That is discussed in this post,  Do All Know Right From Wrong?
                In essence trying to prove something beyond the physical is difficult and met with skepticism. 
                How Does This Apply To Your Life?
                The points above probably will not persuade a person one or another in what they believe.  Some of these 8 items sound like a circular argument going back to a belief in God or not.
                Since this is a blog it is a good place to state brief opinion in a general sense.  Those who are interested enough will pursue more depth, just like reading the Bible.
                In daily life the absence of believing in God can lead to uncertain morals, lack of initiative, lack of a sense of caring for others and a life that could be considered meaningless. 
                The opinion of this author is that a lack of belief in God means you can do whatever you want in this life, as long as you follow the law (Some people don't do that, either).  If you think life has no deeper meaning then why try to make the most out of your life?  It ends, anyway.  That is a sad existence.
                It also means you might focus your effort into "keeping up with the Joneses", instead of things like helping your neighbor.  This leads to an overall society that slowly decays.  The American capitalistic society says "every man for himself" and the crime rate is out of control. 
                Basically the difference in thinking there is a God or not can have profound differences on society as a whole, especially over a long period of time.
                Do you think God is present in your life?

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