TITAN Announces the Doctor Who Regeneration Collection Featuring the 12th Doctor

Posted on the 23 May 2014 by Geekasms @geekasms

Titan Merchandise sent a quick release our way letting us know about the newest Doctor Who vinyl set, the Regeneration Collection!  This set includes every Doctor except for the 9th, including the newest incarnation played by Peter Capaldi!  Also, this set will include a vinyl figure of River Song.  I’m not sure why they skipped the 9th and included River.  Seems like the perfect place to include the War Doctor if you ask me.  Oh well, maybe another time.

Titan Merchandise are very pleased to unveil figures from the upcoming Doctor Who Regeneration Collection TITANS!

This set features every numbered Doctor, including the 12th Doctor, as they look in their first (and in one case last) appearances! Plus: also included in the set is The Doctor’s Wife River Song – “Hello Sweetie!”

Each figure is 3″ blind-boxed and some figures come with a character-specific accessory.

PLUS: 4 hidden chase figures for you to hunt!

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