Tire Planters

By Vsudarsan

Old worn out tires have always been a challenge to recycle as they are bulky, heavy and made of several materials. Even though the technology is improving to convert round tires to flat flooring materials, I believe the process is not simple. Well, for color lovers, DIY'ers, and gardeners, I have a collection of tire planters. I never imagined how one could turn heavy and humongous tires into elegant planters!

The color combinations and layout in the pictures below are brilliant and doable. They will brighten any garden whether it is residential, parks or shopping complexes. The dimensions of a tire are also perfect to combine a few plants together. And, by stacking a few you can create tall planters as well. To get this look on an old tire all you have to do is thoroughly wash the dirty tires, prime them and spray paint the color of your choice. The links below each might have more information on to create these planters as well. I hope to have inspired you today - to create a simple yet stunning project that will repurpose old worn out tires! Look forward to your thoughts.