Tiptop Plants

By Danielcarruthers

 My third delivery of plants has arrived from Plant Me Now . As I’ve come to expect, they all arrived in tiptop condition. There are six varieties in all – 5 each of 3 varieties of Premium Plants in 7cm pots. There’s Argyranthemum Madeira Crested Yellow, Ivy Geranium Supreme Burgundy White and Bacopa Abunda Colossal White, all ready to go into containers as soon as tulips have finished flowering. The Must Have plants are 6 large plugs each of Cineraria Silver Dust, Gazania Tiger mixed colours and Geranium Maverick White. Unless there is a sudden improvement in the weather, I will pot these up and put them in the cold frame so that they can be planted out at a later date. I have to admit to being a herbaceous sort of girl rather than a bedding plant type, but I know that my mother-in-law will be thrilled with them – and if everybody liked the same things, what a boring world it would be!