Tips To Keep Your Home Warm

By Evette Garside @evette77

It may still be Summer, but the Autumn amd winter weather will soon be here. This means many of us will be looking for ways to keep our homes warmer. There's nothing like feeling toasty and cosy in your own home. However, that can sometimes come at a cost to your bank balance. To save on bills, here's some tips to keep your home warm.

Upgrade Your Windows

Windows are an important part of the property. Just like the roof and doors in your home, they protect your property from the elements, which includes the cold. So, with that in mind it might be worth inspecting your windows to see if they are damaged or could benefit from being replaced. Your windows should ideally be double or triple glazed and you should be filling in any gaps or cracking that occurs around the window frame.

Insulate Your Home

Insulating your home is the best way of locking the heat in for longer. Insulation comes in a variety of materials and in many forms depending on the state of your home and the access you have to your walls and roofing space. Insulation acts as another layer to stop the heat seeping out. Not only does it help with the heat but it will also help you cut down the amount of heating usage in your home.

Keep Your Heating On Low

Keeping the heating on low, is going to be costly but it's not as much when you've got it constantly on full blast. The most beneficial way of using heating is so that it just takes the chill off the room. It might be worth installing a device that links up to your heating, which you can control from an electronic device. This way you can see exactly what you are using and to help bring the level down to a more energy-efficient usage.

Make Use Of Blinds And Curtains

Another way to utilise the free sunshine is to keep your blinds and curtains drawn during the day. In the peaks of winter, it's good to keep them closed so that the warmth of the sun's rays can be absorbed and maintained in the blinds or curtain's material. You'll notice a big difference with these drawn during the day, then having them open for the cold air to penetrate through.

Keep oil based boilers topped up - If you live in Ireland for example then your boiler may be fuelled by certain types of oil, usually gas or kerosine. It's important, especially during the colder months to keep this oil topped up. Oil can easily be purchased via the Super Saver Oil website.

Keep Radiators Clear

When you have your heating on, keep your radiators clear of any clothing or any materials that might block the heat from escaping into the room. It will be pointless to have your heating on if you have thick towels that may be drying on them. It's better to leave these hanging on the clothes airer, tumble drying them or drying them off outside. As a rule to stick by, keep your radiators clear when the heating is on.

Follow these tips and you'll soon notice an improvement in the warmth of your home. These tips are especially important during the colder months of the year, so prep insulation if you can during the summer so it's all ready for the colder months.