Tips To Help You Crush The Proposal

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

Tips To Help You Crush The Proposal

The biggest challenge anyone will ever undertake is the decision to get down on one knee and ask that life changing question: "Will you marry me?" Everyone thinks that proposals have to be a huge gesture, something they won't forget for the rest of their married lives. But the truth is all you need is to tell your partner how you feel and ask them to spend the rest of their life with you. That said, here are a few tips to make sure you crush the proposal.

Tips To Help You Crush The Proposal

Set a tone for the future

Marriage is all about building a future together; somewhere down the line you'll buy a house, raise children, and go through all the trials of life together. The best way to demonstrate your hopes for the future is to either time your proposal with a significant step forward in your relationship, or by creating a gesture to show her what you'll be like as her spouse. You could propose when you move into a house you've just bought together, or you could pop the question over a delicious dinner you've cooked yourself. While it's true that grand proposals make great stories, sometimes it's better to let them visualise their future with you using your current life as an example.

Tips To Help You Crush The Proposal

Finally, just make sure you speak from the heart. Chances are high that the answer will be "yes!"