Tips to Help Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant with Irregular Periods #tryingtoconceive

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

SASMAR Conceive Plus® sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine.

Are you struggling to get pregnant because you have irregular periods? Irregular periods happen when your menstrual cycle isn’t like clockwork. Most women get their period every 28 to 30 days. There are about 30% of women who are in their childbearing years that don’t get their period on a “normal” schedule. Irregular periods can make it very difficult for women who are trying to get pregnant.

How to Determine if Your Periods are Irregular

To help you determine if you are struggling from irregular periods, you should count back from the last day of your last menstrual period and stop counting on the first day of your period. Do this for a period of three months so that you can determine if there is a pattern or if you struggle from irregular periods.

According to WebMD, roughly 30% to 40% of women in their childbearing years often struggle with infertility due to irregular or abnormal ovulation. If you aren’t having periods or they are irregular, chances are you aren’t ovulating.

Typical Reasons Why Women Struggle with Missed Periods

The following things could cause you to have irregular periods or make it non-existent:

  • extreme exercise or dieting
  • have an eating disorder that causes you to lose weight
  • taking the pill
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Age – teenagers who just started their period are more likely to have irregular periods
  • stress
  • other illnesses or chronic conditions

If you struggle with irregular periods, you should seek professional help from a gynecologist to help you determine the cause of irregular periods. Your gynecologist will be able to help you conceive with the help of fertility drugs or other procedures.

Tips to Help You Try to Conceive Once Your Doctor Approves

Once you have your periods back on track with the help from your gynecologist, try these tips to help you conceive:

  • get plenty of  rest every night
  • eat healthy, balanced meals
  • lose weight if you are overweight or obese
  • have intercourse frequently
  • use a sperm friendly brand of lube
  • reduce your stress
  • track your cycle to determine if you are ovulating

How to Handle Disappointment While Trying to Conceive

Once you determine that you are ovulating and your doctor gives you the green light to try to conceive a baby, try using Conceive Plus® so that you are giving the sperm the best chance to make it to fertilize an egg. I realize that it is super frustrating to get a big fat negative or for aunt flo to show up a few weeks after you started trying to conceive. The good new is most women, who have regular periods, fall pregnant within 6 months to a year of trying for a baby. Depending on the treatment option that your doctor uses, your chances may increase. However, if you get a negative test don’t give up. Keep trying and enjoy spending time with your spouse.

More About Conceive Plus®

Don’t forget to follow Conceive Plus® on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

If you have just started trying or have been trying for a while, Conceive Plus® fertility lubricant can help increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally! Now available from selected online retailers from just $14.99.

SASMAR Conceive Plus® sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine.