Tips On Becoming A Guest Blogger

Posted on the 13 August 2015 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Guest blogging isn’t a way to get rich, although there are some bloggers that do pay their guest posters, but it is a great way to get your name out to different readers and possibly attract new people to your own blog, or your business.

Even if you can’t find one of the very few bloggers that actually pay for guest post, you still shouldn’t discredit this great marketing source. The pay of a link back to your own blog or website should be enough.

Set Goals And Hone Your Skills

Before you start reaching out to bloggers make sure that you are a great write. People will be less likely to post your blog is it is full of errors, poor grammar, misspelled words, or the wrong punctuation.

It also helps to set goals ahead of time. First, determine why you want to be a guest blogger, then make a plan as to how many guest blogs you want to write and submit each month. If you want to simply get your name out there it may take less blog posts a month to reach that goal, while establishing yourself as an expert on a particular topic could call for more posts a month.

Find Opportunities To Guest Blog

There are many ways to find guest blogging opportunities. You can simply punch in the search term, “guest blogger wanted,” or you can look for articles that give you tips on particular places to look for guest blogging opportunities.

Once you’ve found some blogs that are on the lookout for bloggers to write guest posts send them a query. Make sure you let them know what you want to write about, and make sure that it is something fitting to their normal content.

Do Some Research Before You Write

Once your article is OK’d, or even before you even reach out to them in the first place, take some time to research the blog you are planning to write for. You want to get a feel of their voice, what topics they cover, and how they lay out their articles.

You want to make sure that your blog post isn’t completely different from what they normally publish. If it is you may find that you aren’t invited back to write more, and you may also find that your article doesn’t get as many views as you’d hoped.

Always Follow The Guidelines

Whether they are posted in an easy to find spot on the blog, or the blog owner sends you a document, it’s fairly likely that you will get some guidelines that you need to follow when it comes to being a guest blogger for certain sites.

Guidelines can include anything from preferred word count to what you can include in your byline. You want to make sure that no matter how many or how few rules they have you follow them all.

Unless you have a business that makes a lot of money you probably aren’t going to want to pay in order to get your guest blog posted on someone’s blog, but some bloggers do charge. It’s completely up to you if you want to pay to post, but know that for every blogger that charges there is one out there that doesn’t!