Tips for the Best First Date Ever by Stephanie Adeyemi

By 9jagirl4real

You have finally managed to find a man that seems to be worth dating. He is nice, polite, good looking and you are wondering if he has all it takes to be your partner for life. Maybe he is the man you have been dreaming of and maybe he is the right one. Of course, he’s thinking the same about you, so you need to make a great impression and make him stay forever. First dates can be scary, but I’m here to help: here are a few tips on how to enjoy your first date with a great man.

What to wear

First thing first: prepare yourself for this date at home and choose carefully what you are going to wear. The first impression is always important and what you wear can reveal a lot about yourself and your personality. Dress smart, wear clothes that are age-appropriate, but also comfortable. You can as well ask a dear friend for help. Also, it’s always nice to wear something unique, it can be a watch or a bracelet or other accessories. You can also make some shopping and buy something special for this occasion. There are interesting and often unique accessories to be found on websites with free ads online.

Be respectful

If you want to impress the guy, show some respect. Don’t let him wait too long for you and show up on time: first dates are upsetting for everyone, so save him some extra stress and don’t make him wonder if you’re coming or not. Don’t forget to turn off your phone or, at least, don’t check your Facebook or Twitter account every two minutes when you’re with him. He’ll think you’re not interested!

Drink responsibly

While it is nice to have a few drinks when you are out with friends, it is better to avoid getting drunk on a first date. You want to get to know the guy better and you’d better do it while you’re still sober! You need to understand if you like him or not and if you want to a second date or stay away from him.

Choose your words

You might not know this, but the words you use might show interest or lack of passion while you are out with your date. Words like “you know” or “I mean” are called self-markers and draw the attention on you and what you are saying. If he interrupts you, don’t be offended, it’s a good sign! It means he’s really listening and that there’s chemistry between the two of you.

Talk and listen

First dates involve two persons, so be sure to spend equal amounts of time listening and talking to your partner. Don’t spend too much time talking about yourself or he’ll think you are too self-centred and not able to take care of someone else. If you’re shy, prepare yourself and look for conversation starters, so you won’t run out of things to say…

And then, just take a breath, relax and enjoy your night out! Is he your Prince Charming?

Filed under: Africa, Family, Future, Girl, Hope, Life, Love, Nigeria, Preseverance, Smart, Women Tagged: Advice, College, Culture, Education, Educational, Friendship, Future, Growth, Help, Hope, Inspirational, Life, People, Relationships, School, Singles, Students, Truth