Tips for Moving Your Houseplants

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Tips for moving your houseplants

When you buy or rent a new home, you will need to move all of your belongings from your old home to the new one. This is a tedious task for most and it usually takes days to pack and unpack. Apart from all your clothing, personal items, dishes, and furniture, you may also like to think about your plants.

Before preparing to move any of your plants, it's important that you consider the size of your old place versus that of your new home. If the latter is smaller in any way, you might not be able to take everything with you. In this case, it might be necessary to find a good home for some of your plants or leave them behind. Remember, your new place might be facing a different direction so factors like sunlight should also be considered. Make sure that you have enough space for your plants and that their needs will be met!

Potted plants in your garden might be difficult to move if they are not on special containers. There are containers out there with wheels that make it easier to move them about. Alternatively, if you are hiring a moving company, they should have the necessary equipment for lifting and moving heavy items such as potted plants. Just make sure that you protect the pot by wrapping it in some protective packaging material like bubble wrap. Both plastic and ceramic pots can break during the transporting process. You might also like to protect the leaves and branches of your plant. If you do, make sure that you let the movers know that the item is fragile and it should be marked as such.

As for those houseplants, you should get yourself one or more plastic or wooden crates. Do not water your plants the day before or they will drip all over your car. For the most part, your movers will usually transport the larger items while many people prefer to transport small or fragile items themselves. Arrange your potted plants inside the crates so that they are snug. If you have any empty spaces, you can add filler items like jars or rolls of newspaper to prevent the pots from moving or tipping over.

When driving with your plants, make sure that you keep your windows closed. You can open one window if need be, but you should not open more than one or it can get very windy inside. For your plants, strong wind can prove extremely damaging. You should also keep your plants away from any sources of heat or air conditioning. If you need to turn on your heater or air conditioner, make sure that the vent or vents closest to your plants are closed. Once you arrive at your new home, set your plants out and give them some water. Let them rest and adjust to their new environment.