Tips for Having Healthy Hair and Skin at the Beach Or Pool

By Swimsuitsdirect @Swimsuitsdirect

Swimming is a very popular activity for people of all ages. It’s relaxing, fun and refreshing. But there’s no doubt that too much exposure to the elements in the water and the environment while swimming can have negative effects on your hair and skin.

Chlorine is a necessary part of pools – it keeps people from getting infected with invisible germs and nasty bacteria like E. coli. Unfortunately, it also strips your hair and skin of natural oils and makes them dry. Salt in the beach water does that, too. Plus, both swimming places leave you exposed for a much longer time to the harsh rays of the sun, which adds to all the dehydration.

Read on about what regimen you need to maintain to keep yourself healthy on the beach or pool so you can have more fun without worrying about hair or skin damage.

Before you take a dip

For your hair: Wet your hair by showering with fresh water to keep your locks hydrated and less prone to absorb chlorine and salt. Hair products help a lot, too. Try putting on a certain amount of oil and silicone-based hair products to keep your hair from being parched.

For your skin: The sun can be extremely damaging for your skin, so take extra protection while you’re at the beach or pool. Moisturizing lotions and sunblock products are a good way of keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. In addition to keeping you from being sunburned, this measure could also prevent future skin diseases related to ultraviolet.

After swimming

For your hair: Gently comb out the tangles in your hair and wash again with fresh water to rehydrate your scalp and your strands. Cleanse your hair by lathering on some specialty shampoo or conditioner. To keep the smell out of your hair, use a product that has a long-lasting fragrance. You don’t want to reek of the beach or pool when you’re long out of it!

For your skin: Long activity within the water may cause you to have irritated skin. To strip the harmful elements out of your skin, wash with lots of soap or body wash and fresh water. Apply lotion afterwards as well to moisturize your skin. Lastly, load up on deodorant to avoid odor.

Don’t forget to take good care of your swimwear as well

Swimming in the water not only affects your hair and skin, it also affects your swimwear, causing it to fade, start to shed, or even to change color. There are specialty detergents for washing your suit to keep it in good shape, or you can opt for more natural remedies like a few tablespoons of vinegar. To keep your swimwear from smelling, you can soak it in fresh water while you shower. After all, you don’t want to walk around with a wet suit that smells of chlorine or salt.

Keeping your hair and skin healthy when you go swimming is necessary to prevent costly damages in the future. Remember to keep your chic swimwear protected as well – you don’t want it to get damaged when you plan to use it for more fun in the water.

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