Tips for Eating Healthy During the Holidays, According to Experts

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

It's the holidays, a time full of Christmas lights, Christmas parties and lots of delicious food.

The end of the year is fast approaching and it can seem like there's no time to manage your health, between events to organize, presents to buy and family to see. Maybe you're among the 64% of Americans surveyed who plan to postpone their health ambitions until the start of the new year.

But healthy eating is not only possible, it's also preferred, experts told USA TODAY. Here you can read what else you should take into account this year.

This is how you eat healthy during the holidays

Health is about much more than the food you put in your mouth, but healthy habits can certainly start at mealtime. If you want to stay healthy this holiday season but don't know where to start, try these tips from registered dietitians.

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1. Let go of the "all or nothing" mentality

Some tend to go to the extreme when it comes to holiday eating. On the one hand, there's a year-round "free for all" mentality and getting back on track in January. On the other hand, some adopt strict diets and avoid participating in holiday fun altogether.

This "all or nothing" mentality will ultimately set you up for failure, says Kara Collier, a registered dietitian and co-founder and VP of Health at wellness tech startup Nutrisense.

Instead, you can frame it with the 80-20 rule, she recommends. This means choosing nutrient-rich foods 80% of the time, but recognizing your body's desire to eat less nutrient-rich foods the other 20% of the time.

"Allowing yourself a little freedom and wiggle room built into your plan for meals that may fall outside of the 'ideal' so that you build flexibility into your plan instead of feeling like a failure."

2. Prioritize nutrition and real meals

When hunger strikes and there are still treats on the counter, it can be tempting to reach for candy or cookies first.

But registered dietitian nutritionist Abra Pappa has a message before you grab one: Cookies and sweets are not meals. Eating three full meals filled with every macronutrient (protein, fat and complex carbohydrates) is important year-round, but especially to support a less nutritious diet during the holidays, she says. Read USA TODAY's guide to creating the healthiest breakfast and lunch here.

"It sounds so simple, but one of the biggest changes we can make when it comes to eating during the holidays is not to sacrifice the need for breakfast, lunch and dinner," says Pappa. "If you eat well-balanced meals, we can naturally balance the sweets more easily."

3. Honor family traditions

We assign cultural and emotional meaning to food. That's why our festive holidays consist of social gatherings where food takes center stage. You can look for balanced and nutritious options while also prioritizing comfort foods and family traditions.

"Make sure you respect that, and that we don't turn them away because that thread of connection with food can be a healing time," says Pappa.

A healthy lifestyle is about more than just physical health, registered dietitians previously told USA TODAY; it also takes into account your mental, emotional and social well-being. Many diet fads demonize foods from Black, Asian and Latinx communities, which experts told USA TODAY can lead to feelings of shame and harm the mental or emotional aspects of a healthy diet. In general - but especially around the holidays - prioritize traditions and culturally important foods.

4. Appreciate the cooking process

"Intention" doesn't just start when you eat, it starts in the kitchen.

About her family's cooking process, Pappa previously told USA TODAY the importance of starting with fresh ingredients and taking the extra step of making things from scratch. The benefits of home-cooked meals are numerous: it allows you to spend time in the kitchen with loved ones and also gives you the opportunity to control what is in the food you eat.

"There has always been an honorable tradition of valuing the ingredients and valuing the food you start with," says Pappa. "And I think that makes a huge difference from both a culinary perspective and a nutritional perspective."

5. Avoid stigmatizing language

Approach eating this holiday with curiosity, compassion and context, registered dietitian Kat Benson previously told USA TODAY. What do you want this food to do for you in terms of taste, feeling and nutrition? How do you want it to serve you in the context of your day?

Registered dietitian Rose Britt also advises against labeling foods as "junk" or "bad." For parents who want to teach children healthy habits, Britt recommends serving small desserts with meals rather than after them. It helps children see their whole plate as tasty; vegetables aren't just something nasty that you have to go through to get to the good stuff.

"We can prepare for that binging behavior if we internalize the shame of 'I ate this bad candy, so now I'm a bad person,'" Britt previously told USA TODAY.

6. Control other aspects of your health

Aside from the physical, mental, emotional and social impacts of food, it's important to look at your health holistically during the holiday chaos.

This time of year is busy, but try to incorporate regular walking, running or exercise into your week, experts advise. Regular exercise has benefits for physical and mental health, including combating seasonal depression.

"You'd be surprised how much just 10 minutes of exercise after eating helps," Collier previously told USA TODAY.

It is also useful to monitor your sleeping habits. A consistent bedtime routine can improve both the quality and quantity of sleep, setting you up for success before parties and busy days. Read USA TODAY's expert-recommended tips for improving sleep hygiene here.

How are your stress levels? Are you worried about upcoming family gatherings and gift shopping? We've got tips on how to deal with tough questions at the dinner table, what to do if your family hates your partner, and how to deal with chronic stress, which experts say should be taken seriously.

7. How to navigate the party snack table

On holidays we are sometimes full before the side dishes or main course are even on the table. With an abundance of appetizers and snack bowls, it's easy to overeat and develop unhealthy habits. To stay within the guidelines of moderation, Pappa recommends serving yourself and then moving away from the table.

"If there are tables with food, prepare a plate and leave," says Pappa. "I think a lot of mindless eating happens when we lean against that table all night."

She also recommends prioritizing traditional holiday foods over snacks you can eat year-round, like chips and pretzels.

8. How to deal with diabetes around the holidays

People with diabetes are encouraged to avoid added sugars and refined starches, two categories of foods commonly found in holiday spreads. Collier, whose work with Nutrisense includes glucose monitoring, advises diabetics to carefully weigh the carbohydrates they want to put on their plate and prioritize fiber and protein sources instead.

Desserts can be high in sugar, so she recommends getting creative with keto and low-carb recipes.

"Bring a sugar-free or low-sugar dessert that you like so you know there's something in it," says Collier.

If you or someone you know is struggling with body image or eating issues, contact the National Alliance for Eating Disorders' toll-free therapist-run helpline at 866-662-1235 for emotional support or treatment referrals. If you are in crisis or need immediate, 24/7 support, text "ALLIANCE" to 741741.

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