Tips for Battling Pulmonary Embolism

Posted on the 15 September 2019 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

There are many health issues that often go undetected because people are not aware of the symptoms. They will either be dismissed or thought of as something minor that does not require attention. Pulmonary embolism is one such disorder that may be diagnosed as asthma, or that you are just physically out of shape. Many people who have had a pulmonary embolism had died before they made it to the hospital.

A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the lungs that traveled from the legs. Symptoms include shortness of breath, pain in the chest, and loss of energy to the point that picking up a small item is too tiring.

Thankfully, there are ways to prevent the disorder from occurring or treating it if it does.

Preventive measures for pulmonary embolism

One of the main treatments to prevent pulmonary embolism is people who are at a high risk for the disorder is to take an anticoagulant drug as prescribed by a doctor. Wearing compression hose will help reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism by squeezing the leg muscles to help the blood flow easier. People who are at risk include those who have other health issues like high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or any disease or ailment that affects the blood.

Make healthy lifestyle changes

A dietary lifestyle change could help reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism. Eating vitamin-rich foods that enhance the overall health of the body can help prevent certain disorders. Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for many areas of the body. Green leafy vegetables should be consumed as often as possible. Making a change to a more physically active lifestyle will help keep the blood circulating so that the veins work as they should. Having a daily routine would make exercising much easier for those who have not been physically active.

Be in-tuned with your body

No one knows your body better than you. If you suspect that something is wrong, get to the emergency room immediately. Monitor yourself closely when you think there is something unusual happening. Have a plan to follow for your medications. Some people put this into their morning routine so that they will not forget to take them. If your legs swell or are painful, this could be a sign that the blood is not flowing as it should. Check your legs for any discolorations that could indicate varicose veins, which could block the blood flow. Another option is therapy for PE. This can be tailored to each person in need of the treatment and comes highly recommended by specialists.

In more severe cases of pulmonary embolism, surgery may be needed to remove the clot. Typically, the anticoagulant medication used to treat this disorder must be taken for the remainder of your life to keep the blood flowing properly. Battling pulmonary embolism can be successful if diagnosed at the first sign of distress. This disorder leaves no room for indecisiveness, get help immediately.