Tips and Tricks to Reach Your Goals in 2016

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

Happy Saturday! Today I’m letting this adorable lady takeover my blog. We “met” in a group on Facebook and I was just so blown away by her positive attitude, kindness, and beauty. I’ll let her take it away!

Hi, friends! I’m Victoria from Memphis Made. I’m a college student living in Memphis, TN, and I’m so glad to be guest posting for Samantha today!

Today I want to talk about goals – we’ve all set new ones for the New Year, but if y’all are anything like me, it’s far too easy to give up on those goals before you accomplish them. I have some big goals for myself this year, and I wanted to share what has worked for me in the past to help me achieve even my biggest goals.

Break it up
If your goal is to drop a few pounds, take it one meal or snack at a time. By making really big or long-term goals into more manageable increments, it’s easier to accomplish them. I personally get very overwhelmed when facing a challenge, but by splitting my goals up, I find them less daunting. Plus, you get to celebrate every single little victory!

Express yourself
You can write your goals down, text a friend, call your mom, or just look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself what you want to achieve. By expressing your goals, in whatever manner is easiest for you, it’s a little easier to wrap your head around what exactly it is you want to do and you can reassure yourself that yes, you CAN do it!

Use incentives!
Use incentives to help get motivated, like buying new business cards for your blog or treating yourself to a new book if you want to read more. Although many of these incentives cost money, think of them as investments in your goals, and justify that money spent by holding yourself accountable to your goals.

Follow through
Speaking of accountability, I firmly believe that it one of the most valuable traits a person can have. Doing what you say you will do shows such a strong sense of integrity, and reaching seemingly superficial goals can have deeper effects on you as a person. Say your goal is to keep your room clean, no matter how stressed or tired you are. That is an awesome goal! However, it takes pretty much constant effort and awareness. But, by following through every single chance you get, you can improve your self-discipline and determination, two things that can only help you achieve every single goal you have.

Celebrate milestones – every single one of them!
Say your goal is to save 25% of every paycheck for the entire year. If you’ve done so for the entire first quarter of the year, treat yourself to a nice dinner, a spa day, or to a product that you’ve been eyeing for some time. It is completely okay to reward yourself for making progress towards your goals. To keep from going overboard, make a decision about what your reward will be now, so you can’t go crazy and undo all of your hard work.

Whatever your goals may be for this year, you can definitely achieve them. No matter how large, far-fetched, or daunting they may be, implementing these methods can simplify your goals and make them more manageable!

Special thanks to Samantha for letting me guest post today!