Tips and Exercises to Get Lean and Hot Legs

By Women_tips @womentips2013

Every woman loves to shed excess weight on their legs and make them look lean and hot in a tight fitting dress. It is no longer a dream to gain such an impressive figure. Following some exercises and tips can help her gain enviable legs.

Working lower half

One of the most important exercises that can help in acquiring lean legs is working out lower half. This is the place where fat deposit is faster and excessive. In order to build lean muscle, one needs to indulge in an exercise that helps her burn fat from 200 muscles located in the lower region. It is also important to work gluteus maximus, which is the largest muscle in the body. The best exercise for this area is squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder presses and more.

Core training

Another exercise that can also have an impact on legs is undergoing core training. Legs need to be engages when core training is undertaken. Instead of going for standard crunches, one must go for core training as it helps in delivering fast results.

Work out weaker areas

Instead of concentrating on an area that is already strong, one must focus on weaker areas and work hard to remove flab from these areas and tone up muscles. Also, one must exercise when one is absolutely fresh. This will ensure best form and an enhanced ability to do more reps or rounds of an exercise routine. If you always concentrate on stronger areas, it will unconsciously keep weaker section away from all that attention which it deserves.


Lunges are considered to be one of the best exercises that can help in toning leg muscles. If a lunge that is ballet inspired is carried out, it can results in excellent results in half the time. Both heels should be crossed and lifted gently and then go for a low lunge. 10 small lunges in pulse form can help a lot.

Jump off the ground

Take a flight and jump above the ground! It appears seemingly simple but it is not. This exercise has a lot of positive impact on the toning of leg muscles. These power moves have the ability to deliver results at a faster pace. Single leg jumps and squat jumps can make a lot of difference.

Blend of power with strength

If you are looking forward to strong, lean and hot looking legs, you need to blend strength with power as it will help in fast burning of calories. Around the clock lunge can help in engaging muscle fibers in the best possible manner. 3-4 reps of this exercise can offer stunning results.

Travelling distance with a cardio workout

Going for moderate to low cardio workouts can help women with pear shape to shed excess weight from the places where it is not required. This can be done with brisk walking, light jumping or light paced sprint. 45 to 60 minutes workout can bring about a radical change in toning of leg muscles.