The first simple tip we adviced to boost your productivity while using Smart AdServer was: edit several items/ mass-edit at once. Today’s tip is even more productive.
Tip n°2: Avoid repetitive tasks, just templatize
As an adops, the way your program your online campaigns generally fits repetitive model, that are designed by the way the inventory you’re managing is usually packaged & sold.
To avoid doing all over again the same elementary tasks in Smart AdServe, the second tip to boost your productivity is to create common templates you can save once and then apply to a whole set of elements later every time needed.
At advertiser level: use creative pools

When you should use it: If you keep using the same creatives with different insertion parameters (such as different geo-targeting options, different targeted sites), you had better upload your creatives at the advertiser level. Once your creative is uploaded at an advertiser level (within a pool oalf creative) , you can then affect it to several insertions.
You’ll end up saving precious time avoiding uploading the same creatives one by one.
To access it: Just go to the Advertisers page.
At campaign level: use campaign templates
Instead of creating each campaign from scratch, you get two faster options: either you can duplicate existing campaigns with similar parameters to be later customized or even better, you create a template of campaigns, easier-to-replicate.
To access campaign templates: in the menu bar, go to: Campaigns > Template Groups then Create a new group template and select Campaign group.
When to use it: In case of a package of formats usually sold together, with the same parameters.
At insertion level: apply targeting templates
Again, you can save precious avoiding repeated task regarding targeting settings.
To access targeting templates: In the menu bar, go to : Campaigns > Template Groups then Create a new group template and select Targeting group.
When to use it: to apply the most used targeting settings (for instance, if you frequently program campaigns in the same mobile devices in the same geographical area).