Tiny Details That Help Reduce the Stress on Your Wedding Day

By Weddingblog2011

Almost every bride gets a little overwhelmed on her big day, so don’t worry if you’re already feeling anxious. It’s totally normal. There are, however, a few tiny details that can help you reduce some of that stress.

Looking for a way to reduce the stress on your wedding day but are already up to your ears in details? Then this list is perfect for you! These details may be tiny, but they can help you plan more effectively and even do some damage control on your big day. However, if you forget them, you just might find yourself scrambling at the last minute.

Create an Emergency Kit

Whether it’s a lost bobby pin, a hole in your hose, or just a headache from stress, every bride has something go wrong on her big day. Do some serious damage control and reduce the stress on your wedding day by preparing a small emergency kit. Toss in anything you can think of that you might need: tissues, aspirin, bobby pins, an extra pair of hose, clear nail polish, antacids…you get the idea. Just be careful not to make it a full-blown suitcase! An even more effective way to reduce the stress on your wedding day is to ask one of your bridesmaids to make your kit.

Don’t Forget to Eat

It’s easy to get distracted with all of the guests at your wedding. It’s even easier to forget that your body needs nutrition as it is dealing with the wedding day jitters and planning. Irritability, fatigue, headaches, and more can set in if you forget to eat. To reduce the stress on your wedding day, have someone pull you and your partner aside so that you can take some time to eat. You’ll need the strength!

Take Care of Your Bridal Party

Want to avoid damaged relationships? Remember your bridal party. They have been there with you through thick and through thin and they are going to be busy on your big day as well. Remember to feed them lunch before the wedding starts. Make it simple by ordering some fresh fruits, vegetables, and a sandwich spread. Show your appreciation even more by giving each member of your bridal party a special gift. This will help your bridal party feel appreciated and it will help reduce the stress on your wedding day.